But I’m Somebody Important, Aren’t I?

At a collegiate championship cycling event, an elderly cyclist meandered across the race course, nearly colliding with an oncoming broom wagon. As he arrived on the opposite side, an officer asked him why he ignored the vehement shouts of impending doom by officials, the man responded that he was  on the Mayor’s Bicycle Council. Really? He should heed their own advice.

I Dare You to Bulk Up

Ladies, I get it – you don’t want to look like Lou Ferrigno’s female twin. However, you have to stop listening to myths about weight training. It is incredibly difficult for you to gain the type of muscle that makes you look unfeminine or “mannish”. Weights can help you get to your goals quicker and help you beat your flabby boyfriend arm-wrestling.

Giddy Like a School Girl with a New Barbie Dreamhouse

(The Big Showoff-Take 2 - Courtesy of Zach Dischner)

Okay, it has been a while since a post has been submitted to the site, and the excuses that could be used range from “The ISP did something funky and blocked access to the site” to “It was a bear to get on while participating in this rapid knuckle hair growth serum testing”. In actuality, though, it has been a matter of working a little hard and avoiding a computer outside of work hours.

Continue reading “Giddy Like a School Girl with a New Barbie Dreamhouse”

A Group Made Just for Me…and Some Other People, Too

National Black Marathoners Association

So a few weeks ago, a great group just happened into my purview and I am extremely upset at myself for just now running into them.

As the one reader of my blog, you should know by now that I am black. I know, I know – the shock probably knocked you out of your chair, but it’s true. I am this cool, down-to-earth, geeky, smart, and black. How does that happen? I’ll tell you how, it happens every day when folks let go of their stereotypes. Back to my point, though… Continue reading “A Group Made Just for Me…and Some Other People, Too”

What Do You Mean “I Look Like a Pile of Bouncing Rubber Tires When I Run”?

Fast man!

When we run, we all feel like we look like leopards, but in actuality it is probably more akin to the internet meme. That being said, most of us probably look like disheveled heaps of bouncing mass because we were never taught how to run right. Of course, that puts the onus on us all to find out how to actually do that. Well here comes the internet to help, saving you the time and expense of a running coach (for now).

Continue reading “What Do You Mean “I Look Like a Pile of Bouncing Rubber Tires When I Run”?”

It’s Running Season, So Let’s Get Serious About These 5K’s (but not too serious)


Over the next few months, there is an expectation that a number of folks will be hitching their wagons to at least one 5K (3.2 mile) run. So, if it’s your first, how do you prepare?

Well, luckily your friends at Active.com have put together a quick How-To on preparing for your first race day. It includes those basic “duh” tips that can help make your race day a success. And let’s not forget that the race is only part of the experience, a 5K can eat up a good portion of your day when you consider preparation, execution, and celebration.

Currently, though, a great trend has been developing: Fun 5Ks! Continue reading “It’s Running Season, So Let’s Get Serious About These 5K’s (but not too serious)”